Open Floor Dance with Anna Du Vé


Wild. Space. Space to allow our wild. Shedding inhibition, giving the body permission to do what it needs to. 

To dance, release, embody & move what’s true.

To shift energetic blocks by shaking, sounding, courageously connecting… 

Wildspace is a safe container for authentic movement & dance - allowing exploration, connection, self-inquiry and creative expression. 


Open Floor Dance

Open Floor Movement Practice is a lively, life-affirming dance inquiry inviting us to track our thoughts, feelings, and habits and turn them into creative fuel.

Using a foundation of mindfulness and universal movement resources such as breath, grounding and centering; our aim is to use our movement practice to be fully embodied – physically, emotionally, mentally.

Open Floor is a free-form dance space with no dance experience required or steps to follow; an explorative, drug and alcohol free space to fully express yourself, dance wildly or gently, and connect with yourself and others.

Open Floor is also a global community of movers, gathering all over the world to dance through life together. For more information about Open Floor International click here.

“Movement reaches our deepest nature,
and dance creatively expresses it…

It has the profound power to heal the body, psyche and soul.”

- Anna Halprin

About Anna

Anna Du Vé is an Open Floor dance facilitator, Shiatsu therapist, Visual Artist, and performing Musician. 

Her facilitation style weaves these dynamic threads together to create a deep, safe space in which to move what's true in the body - physically, emotionally and mindfully. 

As a teacher, Anna is warm and engaging, with an infectious twinkle in her eye, facilitating her dance-floor with humour and humility, heart and vulnerability. In her space, there is always an invitation for radical authenticity, emotional release, creativity, the wild edge, sounding, connection and play. 

Classes and Workshops

Weekly classes, explorative experiences, a Wild Space for wild minds. We have a class for all types >

  • WILDSPACE is a weekly Open Floor Class held by Anna Du Vé in Naarm (Melbourne), known for its depth of facilitation and inquiry, safety, creative play, and intimacy.

    Here, you'll find space and time just for you, to come home to your wild self, dance to learn, and move what's true.

    6.30pm Thursday Evenings

    Performing Arts Space, Brunswick Secondary College.



    An Open Floor Art in Motion Workshop.

    We explore our emotional landscape through Art-making and Dance.

    Art as process, Process as Art.


    We access our creativity through our embodied, emotional process; and inquire into our inner worlds through the mirror of creativity.

    We Dance, Draw, Emote, Embody, Breathe, Create, Release.


    This means, moving, making the invisible visible through dance, and then translating that expression to art making, mark making, expressionistic impulse-following in relationship with colour, line, pastel, marker..

    We're talking Jackson Pollock-style expressionistic & emotional Dance-Art making.

    Make Art & Move.

    Saturday November 26th 2022

    12.30pm - 4.30pm

    Bookings Closed

  • Souljam is a Live Music Open Floor Dance Workshop with improvised sound by a collective of talented Naarm musicians with the groove in their bones. Join us, to dance your dance in a tasty soundbed of live music.


    Open Floor Dance is a dynamic, lively practise of mindful movement and self-inquiry. Through free-form dance, we explore and express our authentic selves.

    At Souljam, dancers will be able to respond in movement to music created in that moment by musicians holding the musical space for, and responding to, their dance.


    The workshop will explore the energetically-reciprocal feedback loop between music and dance, in a sweet swirl of soulful creativity. We will practise principles of attunement and deep embodied listening - to our own dance, to each other as a group-body, and to the music, weaving a tapestry of self-expression together as movers and musicians.

    Soul Jam is a sweet sweet condiment to spread soothingly on the toast of life.

    Come shake yourself into your skin, getting down and opening up; meeting the moment and each other, on a moving, musical, magic carpet ride called Soul Jam.



    Sunday 28 July

    2 -4 pm

    Book here


Interested in Shiatsu?

Anna is also a qualified Shiatsu Therapist and offers the following treatments:


  • Zen

  • Barefoot

  • Classical


Gua Sha

